The Toca do Cassununga in Paraty

Photo by I love Paraty

The Toca do Cassununga in Paraty is one of those hidden gems that many tourists might overlook, but it enchants those who discover it. Located in a preserved Atlantic forest region, this cave is a true natural treasure.

Paraty, with its colonial architecture and paradisiacal beaches, is already an unmissable tourist destination. But few know that there are a series of natural treasures hidden in its surroundings, and Toca do Cassununga is one of these well-kept secrets by Mother Nature.

The cave is situated in an environmental preservation area, surrounded by dense tropical vegetation. To get there, you have to hike a trail that offers a unique experience of contact with nature. The path is surrounded by centuries-old trees, crystalline streams, and a profusion of wildlife, providing a true immersion in the exuberance of the Atlantic forest.

Photo by I love Paraty

Upon arriving at Toca do Cassununga, we are greeted by a breathtaking landscape. The cave is formed by large blocks of stone covered with moss and plants, creating a magical and welcoming environment. The interior of the cave is cool and humid, and it harbors an impressive diversity of wildlife, including small mammals, insects, and even some species of birds.

But the real highlight of Toca do Cassununga is its natural pool. A small waterfall forms a pool of crystal-clear water, perfect for a refreshing swim after the hike along the trail. The sensation of being immersed in nature, surrounded by lush vegetation and the gentle sound of flowing water, is simply indescribable.

Furthermore, Toca do Cassununga also has an important historical and cultural significance. It was frequented by the Guarani indigenous people long before the arrival of European colonizers in the region, and it is still considered a sacred site by some local indigenous communities today. Therefore, by visiting the cave, we are also connecting with the history and culture of this ancestral land.

Photo by Magazine - Environmental Education

Unfortunately, Toca do Cassununga is still little known and often overlooked by tourists visiting Paraty. However, those who have the opportunity to discover it are rewarded with a truly unforgettable experience. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving and protecting these natural treasures for future generations. So, if you are planning a trip to Paraty, be sure to include Toca do Cassununga in your itinerary. You won't regret it!

Due to non-local predations we are making a movement so that the IPHAN becomes the local as national historical heritage, given that it is part of the pre-history of Paraty.

Assine on request: 

For the protection of Toca do Cassununga in Paraty - RJ

Vivência na Toca do Cassununga | Paraty 2020

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