João Padre The Former Cocadas Seller of Paraty

João Padre Cocadas Seller from Paraty in 1970

Remembering the past

In the 70s and 80s, when the streets of Paraty exhaled the scent of the sea and history mixed with the present, there was a character loved by everyone: João Padre, the seller of homemade cocadas. In his modest wooden cart, adorned with bicycle tires and covered with transparent glass, João enchanted residents and visitors with his sugary delicacies. Its flavors ranged from the traditional condensed milk cocada to a unique specialty: the ginger cocada, its most famous and appreciated recipe.

The figure of João Padre was more than just a street vendor; he was a symbol of Paraty's authenticity and tradition. As he walked through the cobblestone streets of the historic city, the tinkling of his cart's bells echoed like a melody, announcing the arrival of the long-awaited coconuts. For many, meeting João Padre meant a break from the tribulations of everyday life, an opportunity to savor a piece of the past amidst the stone streets and colonial mansions.

João Padre's cocadas weren't just sweet; they were a sensory experience that awakened memories and emotions. Each bite was a dive into the past, a memory of family parties and lazy afternoons by the sea. His ginger cocada, in particular, was a true culinary masterpiece. Made with juicy pieces of fresh ginger, it combined sweet and spicy in a way that won over even the most demanding palates.

João Padre Cocadas Seller from Paraty in 1970

In addition to the unparalleled flavor of his cocadas, João Padre was also known for his captivating personality. With his generous smile and his simple manner, he won over everyone who crossed his path. It was not uncommon to see children running towards him, eager for a drink and a moment to chat with the kind salesman. For the older people, João was a link with the past, a living memory of the simpler and happier days of Paraty.

However, João Padre's story goes beyond his coconuts and his wooden cart. He was an integral part of the Paraty community, contributing to the city's social fabric in ways that went far beyond commerce. Always ready to help others, João was known for his generosity and solidarity. If anyone needed help, there he was, offering a helping hand and a comforting smile.

Unfortunately, like all good stories, João Padre's also had an end. Over the years, Paraty changed, and the frenetic pace of modern life began to take the place of ancient traditions. Wooden carts gave way to modern stores, and authentic flavors were replaced by industrialized products. João Padre saw his business gradually decline, until, one day, his cart no longer echoed through the streets of Paraty.

But, although João Padre is gone, his legacy remains alive in the memory of those who were lucky enough to know him. His story is a reminder of the importance of preserving the traditions and values ​​that make Paraty unique. It is an invitation to remember the past and value the roots that connect us with our history and identity.

Today, when walking through the streets of Paraty, we may no longer find João Padre's cart or the tempting aroma of his cocadas. However, its presence is still felt in every corner of the city, in the stories told by the oldest people and in the memories of those who had the privilege of tasting its delicacies. João Padre may have physically disappeared, but his spirit remains alive, reminding us of the importance of valuing our origins and preserving our history for future generations. Below is a video of Paraty from the time when salesman João Padre sold his cocadas. The video has audio in Portuguese.

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João Padre The Former Cocadas Seller of Paraty

João Padre Cocadas Seller from Paraty in 1970 Remembering the past In the 70s and 80s, when the streets of Paraty exhaled the scent of the s...